Specializati in vanzari si inchirieri cu o experienta care ne recomanda, Scaftek.ro va ofera solutia perfecta pentru a lucra in siguranta la inaltime.
Specializati in vanzari si inchirieri cu o experienta care ne recomanda, Scaftek.ro va ofera solutia perfecta pentru a lucra in siguranta la inaltime.
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You can contact us at +40 0726 425 624 or you can send us an email at office@scaftek.ro
Specialized in sales and rentals with an experience that we recomand, Scaftek.ro is the perfect solution for working safetly at hights. Scaftek scaffolds were lightweight, with multiple posibilites of using. Staging furniture can be used both as facade scaffolding, scaffold as well as acces from above to the interior and exterior.
The products that our company sells corespond to the European regulations : ET.DIN 4420, DIN1004 4422.HT .